Monday, August 31, 2009

lifting LC

eh... blend shapes are off but I'll find a way of fixing it!
and... I think I need some motion blur! A Lot, actually!!

ocean shader squares??

ehhh.... They made my moving ocean look like a low res jpeg ocean! So I tried to tweak all the parameters of the ocean shader, and still I couldnt figure out where's the issue. So I noticed that the smaller I make the ocean shader scale, the subtler the tiles get. The thing is that now I have a scale of 0.001 and still there are some tiles, that I'm afraid get visible when the shader's moving. What can I do to fix that??

don't know what 2 do with all this reflectivity!! O_o

OMG what's worse?!?!?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the oposite of my cubes....

take a look at that!! Greeeeat animation!

test render for LC breaking through the labirynth

Ok.... a lot of little issues, I know..... but thats what tests are made for =) and I'm really happy w/ the result!

animated song shape touching the fence

1st test afteranimating the CVs on C4D. was quite complicated to figure out how to animate the CVs, as it's not as visible as in Maya. But after some research, everythg always works heheh

Monday, August 24, 2009

er... shader for music shape?

looking solid. but still too weird??

Sunday, August 23, 2009

slide scene

I have already the camera! Just need the soundtrack to adjust the timing and send it to Maya, so I can animate the cube sliding down. They're not gonna be that colored though, it was just a map shader so I could recognize more easily each swirl.

falling rubber cubes

I was having soooo many problems to simulate these falling rubber cubes with maya and nCloth that I decided to try the same in C4D, as it's faster and lighter for so many things.
It kinda worked but it was so much more complicated and nonsense for setting up the dynamics, and the simulation was soooo much more heavy that I decided to go back to Maya. The difference is that C4D gave me the idea that I
needed to make things work on Maya. Here are the tests!

Result: faster and better result in Maya, but only if you use the right geometry! Here's why it was taking me so long to calculate nCloth:

"fake" subdivision works better than high poly objs. Good to know ;)

The mushrooms are melting =D

it's popping a little bit... don't know why!!!! but this scene seems possible now =D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cameras for Afx

OK. Everybody's talking to everybody now.
Finally I could fix all the bugs and make it work on Afx.
I know that it seems really easy to export C4D cameras to Afx, but GOD, it took me a while to find out that the plugin that needs to be installed on Afx is not available for download.... it actually comes inside the C4D application folder!!! Why nobody talks about that on the forums?!?!?! Well, once it's installed, it works. or kind of works, cause I've got a bug a couple times, in which Afx wouldnt import any camera keyframes (!!!) and then I just did everythg again about 5 times (I didn't believe it was not working...) and suddenly it worked!!! (?) yeh, it makes no sense at all....
... and with Maya everythg was soooo much easier!!! Afx reads .ma files, so that was just importing the .ma file and it was working beautifully!!! and the best thg is that we get a clean timeline =D
I just need to do the tests now to see if everythg matches, but I'll think about it after, it's already too late now. or too early... O_o

camera from Maya

camera from C4D

Camera export from C4D to Maya

... and now from Maya to C4D too!!!!
It took me a while to figure out how to make the cameras from C4D work on Maya. Everythg that comes from C4D is HUGE, and it doesnt matter to change the scale when u're importing, its always the same. So I've tried to create 2 empty groups, inside one of them I put the animated camera from C4D (it automatically gets baked when exporting to fbx) and inside the other one I put the obj from C4D, to be used as a reference (as its almost impossible to simply bake mograph stuff). Then, I just scaled down both the groups and "Ta-daaaaaa" (heahheah) it worked perfectly!!!
On the opposite direction (from Maya to C4D), things work in a similar way if u export the scene to fbx. The only thg I've noticed is that if you do not check the option box for "baking animation" (inside the animation + tab) on Maya Fbx export window, C4D does not understand the animation data. And back to C4D, stuff from Maya works great! =D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

tests for rendering the cubees

eh.... I cannot get rid of the green.... =/ even if I turn off the reflectivity the FG still makes it green O_o

Friday, August 14, 2009

Flying Cubees!!! =D

Dont u get high after some time looking at this?!? aehaeheaheaheahh

sry for not hidding the locators... but Maya understands them as particles, so even if I hide everythg we keep seeing these guys O_o

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

gelly ground color tests

Opinions are welcome!!!

My favorites are the white and green ones....

E sou palmeirense meeeeeeesmo! huahuahuahuaahuhh

Lets melt the cube!

I needed to have some fun!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

scene w/ everythg at the same time

Here are a couple screenshots.
It still looks like snow, but I've been working on the ink splats. I've made some poly planes, turned them into ncloth and dropped them on the ground, so they got a similar shape. Then, I assigned the ink splat textures. For it not to get a terrible black shadow, I assigned a white image to the shadow shader, but it still doesn't look right and I don't know why! It seems that the ink splats are not as bright as everything else? I don't know.
Anyway, maybe some more on the borders would make it look less like snow.
Ah! Still tweaking the lights. for a million days. And it never seems to get allright =/

Friday, August 7, 2009

3d pixelated FIRE!! =D

I've tried form 1st.... and then I noticed that the particles are not 3D =/ tsc tsc tsc it's so frustrating to work only w/ Afx O_o
Ok, then I moved to C4D and everythg was done in 10' !!
love mograph heheheh

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All the world together!

Yeah... I crashed Maya a couple times before get this done..... but I still couldn't make this lightning work well. And maybe I still need some more trees? or bushes? or animals? or stained glass trees??? O_o