Finally I have an ear! Not me, he has. I mean... I've always had 2... well, anyway I'm glad I could've done it, because this was the 1st ear I do without any instructor by my side saying... extrude this, pull this vertex and do this and that. Of course Andrew told me and Victor what to do before we really did it. And here it is!!! =D And now I have the mesh for you to see.
I started unwrapping this guy these days. It was pretty easy to unwrap the head, the arms and legs, but I couldn't unfold the body..... I've cut the edges from the underarms to the hips and also some more edges between the legs. My idea was to unfold it in the shoulder area, but I couldn't avoid a lot of overlapping, so I deleted and I'll try again later.
The cuts i've done in the hands didn't let me really unfold the thumb, and even the other fingers are really a big mess..... and about the feet.... I didn't even know how I could start cutting it!!!!
Well, let's continue trying!