Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tree in Zbrush =D

Now I can really say I have a tree! =D I had forgotten how I love Zbrush heheheh 
The problem is that I was really stupid and forgot to UVing it in Maya before going to zbrush, so now, when I come back to Maya, I will have to do it all again... ouch! What is worse?? to reZbrush or to reUV? 
That's the price we pay for having this head full of soup and jellybeans =/  But I swear that by learning through pain, I will never do it again!

Friday, February 27, 2009

AECS4+PSCS4 test!

Just a quick test in the After FX CS4, because I have not had the opportunity to do it before! Isn't it cool? And really fast! Still not perfect, but enough to help making simple cute things faster ^^

Yeah.... that's why I L O V E Ae ^_^


Isso aeeeehhh povinhou! Testes com after CS4+3d layers no photoshop CS4! Meeeestre neh? Funciona mesmo! jhejhejhejh
Ainda naum tah perfeito, ma jah ajuda pra fazeh coisas bonitinhas e simples + rapido....

logo + posto 1 poko d Zbr pra vcz jhejhejh

bju bju!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More branches on my tree!

.. and some leaves too!

Time to go to zbrush!! =D ... er.... if I have some time .... O_o 
Let's see what I can do on monday at school ^^
Time to draw XD

Friday, February 20, 2009

My treeeeeeeeeeeeee =D


I had only some roots and today I came to the open maya+zbrush workshop - as I think it would be really nice to work with maya+zbrush again, specially in this case... besides, I miss zbrush so much!!!
Well, the guys gave me this idea of extruding my roots along curves, and I think it was great! It was fast and I got good results. Now it's time to move to zbrush and refine the modeling. But I think first I should transform all these forms in only one form.... and I also do not know if I should make the other branches in maya before going to zbrush..... well, I'll remember how to do this transition to zbrush and sculpting and coming back to see if I'll have to fix it later or do it again.
That's what I've got!! =D I still prefer the more square tree, but maybe it's because in the smooth one we can see that it is still a lot of trees instead of only one....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It worked ^^

Here it is! Thank you Andrew!!! ^^ I increased the subdivision in the attribute editor and it worked!! I tried 2 at first but the final resolution was still bad... so I tried 3 and only got a good result with 4. The rendering took too long, so I decided to try subdividing the plane first, since it was a huge plane with very few subdivisions. I could, then, decrease the the subdivision of the dispmap to 3 and the result was this one. I didn't know before that the resolution of the mesh would make any difference when using a dispmap. It was a veeeeery important thing I've learned!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trying disp map...

Yeah, I was trying to make some tests with displacement maps, because we just saw it yesterday in class, and it seemed really cool! Altough I ve never been able to do anything with it before, after maaany tries heheheh
I thought it would be good to use a plane with displacement map to do the tiles, that are a really simple texture, instead of making milions of little cubes, that was what I was doing before.
The problem is that the resolution is so poor! I tried to increase the number of polygons in the plane and it didn't make any difference! Than I tried to use the approximation editor, and my tiles disappeared.... O_o
Tsc tsc tsc... Maya is full of tricks!! heheheh

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My new final movie sketches

And Tekila is walking over it! hahahah all of the pets that I've ever had always loved to walk on my drawings. It is not different with her ^_^ Isn't she supercute?

---> Aih vai a Tekilinha dando voltas por cima dos sketches do meu filme novo. Tdos os meus bixitxous sempre adoraram passear nos meus desenhos, e c/ a Tekila naum eh diferente. Ela naum eh lindinha?!?!

Ear and UV unwrapping

Finally I have an ear! Not me, he has. I mean... I've always had 2... well, anyway I'm glad I could've done it, because this was the 1st ear I do without any instructor by my side saying... extrude this, pull this vertex and do this and that. Of course Andrew told me and Victor what to do before we really did it. And here it is!!! =D And now I have the mesh for you to see.
I started unwrapping this guy these days. It was pretty easy to unwrap the head, the arms and legs, but I couldn't unfold the body..... I've cut the edges from the underarms to the hips and also some more edges between the legs. My idea was to unfold it in the shoulder area, but I couldn't avoid a lot of overlapping, so I deleted and I'll try again later.
The cuts i've done in the hands didn't let me really unfold the thumb, and even the other fingers are really a big mess..... and about the feet.... I didn't even know how I could start cutting it!!!!
Well, let's continue trying!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The hole body

Sry! I forgot to post it before!
I've done this body on the professor's skeleton and muscles, because when I started I didn't have the bones nor the muscles.... but it's here!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

More muscles....

Here they are!
In the beginning of the process we take a loooooong time to deform each sphere until they look like any muscle. After some practice, it gets easier to deform the spheres and I could focus more on shapes that were wrong, some bumps in the nurbs and strange things like this. I also tried to fix the wrong muscles from the last post. This is what I've got.